| 1. | Musk has described himself as " nauseatingly pro-American ".
| 2. | As of 10am yesterday, the situation remained nauseatingly filthy.
| 3. | Body dismemberment and disposal is nauseatingly chronicled in butcher-shop fashion.
| 4. | I commented that I found this situation becoming " nauseatingly hypocritical ".
| 5. | Mr . North is a draconian teacher, whereas Neil is nauseatingly nice.
| 6. | What have they ever done to anybody to deserve such a nauseatingly horrible existence?
| 7. | I quit ` Bleak House'after I encountered that nauseatingly good little girl.
| 8. | We are nauseatingly familiar with what is wrong with the Little League World Series.
| 9. | The local gush is nauseatingly mindless.
| 10. | Everyone is just so nauseatingly respectful.