| 1. | I was nauseated, thinking of the terrible silence of Bundy.
| 2. | At the police station house, a nauseated Dominguez told Sgt.
| 3. | People are so hypocritical, it's nauseating ."
| 4. | And I think it's almost nauseating to people now.
| 5. | He hoped the nauseating photographs would shock and disgust good people.
| 6. | "They're nauseating and exceedingly painful ."
| 7. | He found the ads " completely nauseating, " McCain said.
| 8. | Rape becomes more nauseating if it is committed by the father,
| 9. | "I was really nauseated, " she said.
| 10. | The afflicted students had difficulty walking and were feverish and nauseated.