| 1. | Communication Law Conspectus, 13, 7-34.
| 2. | The Research Libraries Group's conspectus is still posted at the Library of Congress.
| 3. | It was first published by Schinz in'Conspectus Flor?Afric?No5 . in 1894.
| 4. | This placement was followed by Simpson in his 1972 " Conspectus of Patagonian fossil penguins"
| 5. | All these things were now his in generous abundance, and his whole conspectus of life changed accordingly.
| 6. | German naturalist Heinrich Kuhl described the brown-necked parrot in his 1819 work " Conspectus Psittacorum ".
| 7. | In 1936 Einstein wrote a paper, in German, in which, amongst other matters, he considered quantum mechanics in general conspectus.
| 8. | According to Xos?L . G . Paz, it may have been derived from the name Conspecti ( genitive of the name Conspectus ).
| 9. | This is a remarkable conspectus of man's place in the universe which ranges over a very wide field of scientific and philosophical inquiry.
| 10. | Panigrahi, G . and Arvind Kumar ( 1988 ) A conspectus of the genus Cotoneaster Ehrhart ex Medic . ( Rosaceae ) in India.