| 1. | You're doing that out of religious zealotry ."
| 2. | Zealotry in pin-stripes and a smile is still zealotry.
| 3. | Zealotry in pin-stripes and a smile is still zealotry.
| 4. | The mystery surrounding Justin involves the ultimate goal of his zealotry.
| 5. | Afghanistan's zealotry has shocked many in the Muslim world.
| 6. | His belief in supply-side economics borders on zealotry.
| 7. | Most of the letters ring with hyperbolic, anti-government zealotry.
| 8. | If loyalty does not require zealotry, neither does it require sycophancy.
| 9. | They will decry Republican tactics and the zealotry of its right wing.
| 10. | The Republican managers did not understand how their zealotry troubled their audience.