| 1. | Barbaric yawp, as Walt Whitman wrote in a time before telecom.
| 2. | Two Chinese bronze bears yawn and yawp adorably on a perch of fading green velvet.
| 3. | YAWP has been recognized as the hub for creative writing teenagers in the Boston area.
| 4. | GrubStreet aims to mimic writers residencies, thus the YAWP Fellowship is by application only.
| 5. | Hardly a barbaric yawp of Americanism.
| 6. | We were labelled the ` silent generation, ` but Ginsberg's book was our yelp and yawp.
| 7. | GrubStreet s Young Adult Writing Program ( YAWP ) offers free writing workshops for all Boston-area teenagers.
| 8. | GrubStreet runs the YAWP Teen Writing Fellowship, an intensive two-week creative writing program during the summer.
| 9. | It could have been a lyric from a Talking Heads song, sung in David Byrne's mellifluous yawp:
| 10. | Harrelson's campaign, managed by Oliver Stone, mixed message and medium in a yawp of digital hyperpopulism.