You weave it in the morning and it comes unwoven at night.
?Ie tMga have an unwoven fringe and a strip of red feathers.
Bottega Veneta's bags feature lots of leather or fabric strips, woven and unwoven, and some of the clothes are rendered in striped fabrics.
And whoever has made the journey to alien shores brings back tales of lands where labor has been transformed into pleasure and knotty earthly problems are unwoven with ease.
The key highlight of the collection was the utilitarian significance such as the wide use of double cloth which could be worn inside out, the concept of reversible garment and the use of unwoven fabrics.
He has skillfully unwoven two strands of his record, claiming a hand in shaping the thriving economy while avoiding the burden of President Clinton's personal misconduct _ and so far, of his own missteps in 1996 campaign fund raising.
not woven; "tapa cloth is an unwoven fabric made by pounding bark into a thin sheet"