| 1. | And, the tempered hardboard is much stronger than the untempered.
| 2. | Still, the glee of corporate chiefs was not untempered.
| 3. | Hit and miss, but untempered and often intriguing ."
| 4. | There are few illusions more damaging than untempered idealism.
| 5. | Untempered martensite is low in toughness and therefore brittle.
| 6. | Some brands of couverture chocolate are packaged tempered, and others are packaged untempered.
| 7. | Peter DeFazio, 48, is a populist insurgent untempered by nine years in Congress.
| 8. | They described Schumer as a sometimes overbearing boss with an untempered desire to get ahead.
| 9. | Leadership untempered by careful assessment of the world we live in is not sound leadership.
| 10. | Parker's " Othello " is a story of youthful, untempered passions run riot.