| 1. | Fortunately, that unsettling period ended along with the Vietnam War.
| 2. | Later, my daughter said the experience had been quite unsettling.
| 3. | Mixed-sex bands also unsettle rock's basic dynamic.
| 4. | They were talking about the kid ( Cook ) being unsettled.
| 5. | But that's just the way of this unsettled month.
| 6. | John Hodge's script is economical, cynical and unsettling.
| 7. | The entire process can be unsettling for workers, Sowards acknowledges.
| 8. | The meeting was charged with a new and unsettling racial acrimony.
| 9. | I thought Joe tired Hakeem out and unsettled him all night,
| 10. | There are a number of reasons this prospect is so unsettling.