| 1. | Like the other noble gases, krypton is highly chemically unreactive.
| 2. | Noble gases are typically highly unreactive except when under particular extreme conditions.
| 3. | Stated differently, CoCl 2 is unreactive toward Cl 2.
| 4. | Simple organosulfur compounds such as thiols and thioethers are unreactive, however.
| 5. | The nitroxide label is sterically protected, so it is relatively unreactive.
| 6. | It is a colourless insoluble solid that is fairly unreactive.
| 7. | Helium is the most unreactive and noblest of elements.
| 8. | The beneficial effects arise because the C-F bond is relatively unreactive.
| 9. | Vinyl, aryl and tertiary alkyl halides are unreactive.
| 10. | Vinylic and aryl halides are also unreactive because backside approach is sterically prevented.