| 1. | Unpalatability, broadly understood, can be created in a variety of ways.
| 2. | Their bright coloration advertises unpalatability to potential predators.
| 3. | Such unpalatability is advertised using bright red, orange, black, or white warning colors.
| 4. | The light emissions are believed to be a warning signal to nocturnal predators of their unpalatability.
| 5. | Adults indicate their unpalatability with clicks from their tymbal organs ( Simmons and Conner 1996 ).
| 6. | Due to its unpalatability it is usually observed gliding through the air with a minimum of effort.
| 7. | This behaviour is most likely stimulated by the unpalatability of the toad s toxins to the birds.
| 8. | Unpalatability to avian predators is a feature of the butterfly; however, its level is highly variable.
| 9. | Predators soon associate the patterns and habits of such butterfly species with unpalatability to avoid hunting them in future.
| 10. | Spatiotemporal variation throughout different ecozones lead to large differences in unpalatability of queens separated by only a few kilometers.