| 1. | Its 10, 000 acres of vineyards are overgrown and unkempt.
| 2. | Jargon's like strangers in town, unkempt and unpromising.
| 3. | Neither Frieder nor his program seemed goofy and unkempt any longer.
| 4. | People laughed and combed his unkempt hair and changed his hat.
| 5. | Matthew Eappen wasn't some poor, unkempt tenement child.
| 6. | A few were poorly dressed, unkempt, tattooed, pierced.
| 7. | Weak, unkempt, barren, bereft . Reflecting the relationship.
| 8. | Davis is quite natty, but his characters are deeply unkempt.
| 9. | Cast aside any images of motorcycle caravans dominated by unkempt renegades.
| 10. | UNDER AGE 6 _ A bit unkempt for the littlest ones.