| 1. | It is not unintelligent, but it is not terribly compelling.
| 2. | "I'm not naive or unintelligent ."
| 3. | It's not because they are lazy or unintelligent ."
| 4. | Her answers were honest and sometimes funny, but never unintelligent.
| 5. | Adamantite dragons have no moral objection to hunting unintelligent life forms.
| 6. | Winters believed that Cassidy was not unintelligent, but simply naive.
| 7. | Baptists were depicted in Soviet propaganda as being dangerous and unintelligent.
| 8. | (B ) I did not accuse Thompson of being unintelligent.
| 9. | "Rounders " is not an unintelligent movie.
| 10. | I felt like the shot I played was not an unintelligent shot.