| 1. | Brienne is described as unfeminine in appearance, and is considered unattractive.
| 2. | It's not considered unfeminine for girls to sweat any more ."
| 3. | Beside her, I felt clumsy an unfeminine in my uniform and heavy boots.
| 4. | There was something unfeminine about them.
| 5. | "It's very unfeminine, and they stink, " he said.
| 6. | Though he loves his wife, he wishes to stifle her literary career, deeming it unfeminine.
| 7. | She knocked the beach bunny image aside and edged out the unfeminine stereotype often plaguing female athletes.
| 8. | Hegemonic masculinity imposes an ideal set of traits which stipulate that a man can never be unfeminine enough.
| 9. | Women who become Olympic athletes or guerrilla fighters, dangle from mountains and shoot rapids are not being unfeminine.
| 10. | As a result, a female politician who displays these qualities may be seen as off-putting and unfeminine.