| 1. | "` Dead'Baby Cries as Undertaker Nears"
| 2. | And when anyone died, the undertaker came from New Jersey.
| 3. | Despite his devilish pranks, Undertaker generates admiration from the fans.
| 4. | The exterminator, the undertaker, the big-game hunter.
| 5. | No, he's not a gun runner or undertaker.
| 6. | The single will become the entrance theme music for the Undertaker.
| 7. | Then they got organized, raised prices and named themselves undertakers.
| 8. | Your name is on an undertaker's box ."
| 9. | Both funerals began with flower-strewn processions from local undertakers.
| 10. | Local undertakers could not manage more than five funerals a day.