| 1. | Besides not playing, he is low-key and uncomplaining.
| 2. | Beth, his dutiful, uncomplaining wife, represents Mother Earth.
| 3. | Lavin is down to earth, uncomplaining, seemingly guileless.
| 4. | Like many men of the past, he was selfless and uncomplaining.
| 5. | The singer has always been uncomplaining about the matter.
| 6. | And uncomplaining, no matter the sorry lot that Jones himself had dealt him.
| 7. | He thus defied the hallowed tradition that Japanese baseball players must serve as uncomplaining samurais.
| 8. | Thankfully, he is no uncomplaining martyr.
| 9. | Price is a proud man and-- publicly at least-- an uncomplaining one.
| 10. | What appalls me is the uncomplaining passivity with which people seem to accept that deliberate machination.