| 1. | He just needed the tumblers to fall in the right place.
| 2. | Wine glasses, Champagne flutes or even tumblers work just fine.
| 3. | Fill a tumbler or cocktail glass with ice cubes to chill.
| 4. | However, the actual Tumbler was used for the waterfall sequence.
| 5. | Northern Health Authority, operate the Tumbler Ridge Community Health Centre.
| 6. | Wine tumblers ( without stems ) are also increasing in popularity.
| 7. | The TV show starts and Tommy Tumbler appears in the maze.
| 8. | In 1897 Rochester Tumbler Company joined National Glass Company of Rochester.
| 9. | The waiters served water in martini glasses after running out of tumblers.
| 10. | Sometimes at night, I still find myself listening for the tumbler.