| 1. | It's potent stuff _ sexual, totemic, magic.
| 2. | The forest paths feature trees with totemic carvings depicting Native legends.
| 3. | And let's not forget the totemic aspect of the game.
| 4. | Documents are their only lifeline and thus take on a totemic importance.
| 5. | The letters themselves seem to have had totemic value for their writers.
| 6. | However, the more recent work has a totemic feel to it.
| 7. | Australian Aborigines often represented totemic insects in cave paintings and ritual objects.
| 8. | Some resemble cocoons or body parts, while others are elongated totemic poles.
| 9. | One group make agricultural instruments and other group make decorative and totemic pillars.
| 10. | One can smile at the tomblike setting with its three totemic cats'heads.