| 1. | In bolted joints, most of the embedment occurs during torquing.
| 2. | Some read as a friendlier version of a torquing Richard Serra sculpture.
| 3. | One of the rigging challenges with Spanish web is arresting the torquing forces involved.
| 4. | Bolt preload can also be controlled by torquing the bolt to the point of yielding.
| 5. | I hurt it by torquing around.
| 6. | Conservative activists _ the real ultras anyway _ have spent years torquing the language to the right.
| 7. | Manoeuvres to " reduce " or remove the loop include pulling the endoscope backwards while torquing the instrument.
| 8. | The preload achieved by torquing a bolt is caused by the part of the torque that is effective.
| 9. | The pair act as stabilizers, keeping the wheelbarrow from torquing from side to side or tipping over prematurely.
| 10. | The problem could be easily fixed by replacing the head gasket and torquing the head bolts to of torque.