And that has increased the political tensions in our countries जिसने हमारे देशों में राजनैतिक तनाव बढ़ा दिए हैं,
Or use an active tension cords to make it move या इसे चलाने के लिए तनाव वाली सक्रीय डोरी का उपयोग करते है
The atmosphere of the novel is tense , reflecting the tensions of the period it depicts . इस उपन्यास का परिवेश आरंभ से ही तनावपूर्ण है .
Tension drove her heart up into her mouth . तनाव के कारण उसका कलेजा मुंह को आ गया था ।
In 1926 , there was much of inter-communal tensions and strifes in India . वर्ष 1926 में भारत ने भारी सांप्रदायिक तनाव और कलह झेला था .
Aid tends to accentuate ethnic tensions अनुदान जातिगत तनावों को बढ़ा देता है.
Graham (aged 12) seemed to be sniffing to relieve the tension he felt because his parents' marriage was breaking up. क्या आप सॉल्वैंट सूँघने वाले को पहचान सकते हैं?
The silent tension at home became unbearable . घर में उन दिनों जो ख़ामोश - सा तनाव खिंचा रहता , वह अब उसके लिए असहनीय - सा हो उठा था ।
She has been quick to defuse the tension , but has held back from offering an apology . वे तनाव घटाने में तो फौरन जुट गईं , लेकिन उन्होंने माफी नहीं मांगी .
If there's tension in the village, यदि गाँव में तनाव हो,
the action of stretching something tight; "tension holds the belt in the pulleys"
(physics) a stress that produces an elongation of an elastic physical body; "the direction of maximum tension moves asymptotically toward the direction of the shear"
feelings of hostility that are not manifest; "he could sense her latent hostility to him"; "the diplomats'' first concern was to reduce international tensions" पर्याय: latent hostility,
a balance between and interplay of opposing elements or tendencies (especially in art or literature); "there is a tension created between narrative time and movie time"; "there is a tension between these approaches to understanding history"
(psychology) a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense; "he suffered from fatigue and emotional tension"; "stress is a vasoconstrictor" पर्याय: tenseness, stress,
the physical condition of being stretched or strained; "it places great tension on the leg muscles"; "he could feel the tenseness of her body" पर्याय: tensity, tenseness, tautness,