| 1. | 2 ( 4-ounce ) tenderized round steaks or cube steaks
| 2. | 4 tenderized round steaks ( about 1 / 2 pound each)
| 3. | First, they hung it up to age and tenderize it.
| 4. | 8-ounce chicken breast cut in half, tenderized and floured
| 5. | It's best to marinate, to tenderize and season.
| 6. | It involves a scientific insight : the tenderizing effects of freezing.
| 7. | Place meat between pieces of plastic wrap and pound gently to tenderize.
| 8. | And salt can tenderize, adding and sealing in flavor.
| 9. | Meat is tenderized by breaking tissue, usually by pounding.
| 10. | Today it's purpose is more to tenderize and flavor meats.