| 1. | "I'm looking for a Chinese takeout box.
| 2. | Prepare your own vegetarian chili quickly from cans or get takeout.
| 3. | It took some discussion at Remi before takeout was deemed possible.
| 4. | Aides bearing cellular phones and takeout food peeked over their shoulders.
| 5. | One bite convinced us that this was why takeout was invented.
| 6. | Friday began the long weekend of strong coffee and takeout food.
| 7. | But mostly now it's sandwiches and takeout ."
| 8. | Zeitouni has asked the Vaad to restrict Eden Wok to takeout.
| 9. | She suggests appropriate garnishes for Chinese, Mexican and Italian takeout.
| 10. | This summer, Highland Pet plans to add refrigerated takeout meals.