| 1. | They point at their shoulders and hands, shellacked with sunblock.
| 2. | Optimism is one thing, but nobody is slapping on sunblock.
| 3. | Enjoy your summer reading and don't forget the sunblock.
| 4. | _Do not use sunblock on children younger than 6 months.
| 5. | Random thoughts while packing away the sunblock and Florida road maps:
| 6. | Although fair-skinned, Parker said he never used sunblock.
| 7. | I say, ` Put your sunblock on, "'
| 8. | SPF 15 is the recommended sunblock for a person of color.
| 9. | Each day, he applies a prescription sunblock to his nose.
| 10. | Nonetheless, many consumers use the words sunblock and sunscreen synonymously.