| 1. | This sub clearly has substantial abilities and very good imaging systems.
| 2. | (The sub-4 century ) is one of mine.
| 3. | Burgers, chicken burgers, fish burgers, pizza or subs.
| 4. | The only sub he really had faith in was Anthony Mason.
| 5. | They make subs and pizzas and hamburgers and . . ..
| 6. | But Olajuwon had another sub-par game, for him.
| 7. | But they're really aboard a testosterone-powered sub.
| 8. | Are submarine commanders really allowed to bring dogs aboard their subs?
| 9. | The Hang Seng property sub index rose 2.08 percent.
| 10. | The Hang Seng property sub index rose 1.98 percent.