| 1. | I just left the grocery store and folks are stocking up.
| 2. | Here are some more facts to stuff into your Christmas stocking:
| 3. | Opaque stockings can make almost everyone's legs look great.
| 4. | Stockings were sheer and shoes were unadorned high-heeled pumps.
| 5. | Christmas : The stocking stuffers are a mixed bag this year:
| 6. | She then comes out with black stockings and a garter belt.
| 7. | Two students were barefoot and three were in their stocking feet.
| 8. | Guidebooks and other travel-related tomes make ideal stocking stuffers.
| 9. | Nude-colored stockings and bangle bracelets also looked new again.
| 10. | Her Aryan perfection will be found in many a Christmas stocking.