| 1. | They're the ones who squawk about it the most.
| 2. | Sure the Legislature will squawk and fuss, but so what?
| 3. | Gulls squawk, crows caw, planes descend on Kennedy Airport.
| 4. | Q . Why do Canada geese squawk when flying in formation?
| 5. | The hysterical squawks of the chickens woke us up around midnight.
| 6. | And they'd squawk loudly if Mazda ruined the Miata.
| 7. | There are birdlike squeaks and squawks as I tune past stations.
| 8. | When Mr Duncan Smith squawks, The Sun squawks, too.
| 9. | When Mr Duncan Smith squawks, The Sun squawks, too.
| 10. | Soon, the turkey sentinels were the squawk of the town.