| 1. | What governor would want to be seen as splurging on welfare?
| 2. | If you find something that makes you feel radiant, splurge.
| 3. | But we could splurge now and then, and we did.
| 4. | The buying splurge also comes as mutual funds record outstanding gains.
| 5. | But he couldn't resist splurging on the new kitchen.
| 6. | An occasional splurge doesn't take away from that feel.
| 7. | And the Super Bowl crowd isn't afraid to splurge.
| 8. | Ask her how she splurged, however, and Geisel laughs.
| 9. | Varoulko is a splurge, yes, but a reasonable one.
| 10. | But I abandoned that thought even before Cone began this splurge.