| 1. | Sparseness of proxy records results in considerable uncertainty for earlier periods.
| 2. | These products also address issues such as data discontinuity and sparseness.
| 3. | The Bristol underground scene was characterised by a sparseness and darkness.
| 4. | The sparseness of the songs remains, while the rearrangements are outstanding.
| 5. | Their overabundance is intended to compensate for a deliberate sparseness of gore.
| 6. | This represents the aspect of " sparseness " in SDM.
| 7. | And there's also the matter of sparseness.
| 8. | It was an intenseness and sparseness, with everything centering around the performance.
| 9. | The sparseness leaves plenty of room for a child's imagination to play.
| 10. | We grew up in a kind of sparseness.