| 1. | I was sliding down a mountain, skidding through soft snow.
| 2. | My car is skidding backward, spinning down a slippery incline.
| 3. | A skidding turn leaves a jagged, fan-like trail.
| 4. | At one point we were skidding perpendicular to the road ."
| 5. | Balls that are normally right in front of you are skidding,
| 6. | Worst of all, skidding tires can't steer.
| 7. | Before their cars were skidding along in perfectly straight lines.
| 8. | Comments : The Dolphins are skidding to the end of the season.
| 9. | Help yourself by practicing low impact cycling _ no skidding.
| 10. | With that, his ski racing career came skidding to an end.