| 1. | The remainder is an inert mixture of gypsum and a silicate.
| 2. | The silicates are essentially insoluble in all polar solvent except methanol.
| 3. | Smithson is credited with first using the word " silicates ".
| 4. | Silicate minerals are the most common type of mineral on earth.
| 5. | Glass disease is the corrosion of silicate glasses in aqueous solutions.
| 6. | The silicate glass spherules found were identified as microtektites and microkrystites.
| 7. | Other possibilities include polyphosphates, silicates, borates and various antioxidants.
| 8. | It is a hydrated sodium and aluminium silicate with the formula.
| 9. | Common corrosion inhibitors added to the water are phosphates and silicates.
| 10. | This is interlaced with lode and deposits of mafic silicate material.