| 1. | It took Manager Buck Showalter berating them for their shoddy approach.
| 2. | Our congresswoman has conducted an investigation that was shoddy and incomplete,
| 3. | Raising hell about defective products and shoddy service can pay off.
| 4. | No one would tolerate a shoddy " Antigone "!
| 5. | Construction, mostly Mafia-controlled, is shoddy and illegal.
| 6. | Another shoddy performance in goal by Felix Potvin opened the floodgates.
| 7. | Why would the American Psychological Association would promote something so shoddy?
| 8. | Shoddy repairs stem partly from the strong used-car market.
| 9. | Contractors who do shoddy work, then refuse to fix it.
| 10. | There were games when the Colts'defense was embarrassingly shoddy.