| 21. | Gyaos and two colleagues shriek and squawk without otherwise moving body parts.
| 22. | Squawks, squeaks, whistles and chirps fill the air.
| 23. | "Elmo loves you, " he squawks.
| 24. | All she heard were the squawks of their pet parakeet, Clyde.
| 25. | The tortured squawk of a tufted puffin was a favorite.
| 26. | For all the Kremlin's squawks, nothing is more natural.
| 27. | Other voices began to squawk over the radio in rapid fire succession.
| 28. | They squawk about food every time they walk out of our stand.
| 29. | Each time the recording plays backward, emitting unintelligible squawks.
| 30. | Every god-awful squawk and screech has a purpose.