| 21. | And that would matter to the substance, efficiency and productivity of lawmaking.
| 22. | It also gives the president lawmaking powers and allows censorship of the media.
| 23. | Its main task is lawmaking, which it shares with the National Assembly.
| 24. | The seven-member City Council is the primary budgetary and lawmaking authority.
| 25. | The Milwaukee Common Council is the lawmaking body of the City of Milwaukee.
| 26. | The republic's Supreme Soviet transformed into an authentic regional lawmaking body.
| 27. | In terms of law, their participation in lawmaking process is highly significant.
| 28. | But the committee changes go beyond simply streamlining the House's lawmaking authority.
| 29. | Both budget packages are the first steps in a long, labyrinthine lawmaking journey.
| 30. | "The SAR provisional legislative council is the SAR's lawmaking body.