| 1. | Finney, a former state treasurer, had little lawmaking experience.
| 2. | Yet he was sometimes bored by the speechmaking that precedes lawmaking.
| 3. | Direct democracy is an increasingly popular but controversial form of lawmaking.
| 4. | You have the power not to allow such lawmaking to flourish,
| 5. | The Clinton County Legislature is the lawmaking body of the county.
| 6. | Constitutionally, the Federal Assembly was vested with great lawmaking powers.
| 7. | Formalism is the belief that lawmaking differs fundamentally from law application.
| 8. | It was a tandem temper tantrum over a tiny point of lawmaking.
| 9. | It gives the president lawmaking powers the framers intended for the Congress,
| 10. | It's more made-for-television lawmaking ."