| 11. | Fluorides are generally unreactive, and thus not used.
| 12. | Fullerenes are stable, but not totally unreactive.
| 13. | Sulfuryl fluoride is unreactive toward molten sodium metal.
| 14. | The substrate must be unreactive to the strongly acidic conditions of the Clemmensen reduction.
| 15. | Large cave systems are not often found in this type of chemically unreactive rock.
| 16. | The monomer on its own is relatively unreactive and polymerization does not take place.
| 17. | Excessive temperature is avoided because it produces unreactive, " dead-burned " lime.
| 18. | Gold nanoparticles also exhibit catalytic properties, despite the fact that bulk gold is unreactive.
| 19. | The ?-alumina solid electrolyte is unreactive to sodium metal and sodium aluminum chloride.
| 20. | C H bonds, which are traditionally considered unreactive, can be cleaved by coordination.