| 11. | He is nauseated by the scent of cloying, reckless happiness.
| 12. | One day, Sandy feels nauseated and suspects she is pregnant.
| 13. | It is food for thought, the kind that makes you nauseated.
| 14. | "I'm not playing, " he nauseated.
| 15. | Stefan woke, feeling nauseated, hadn't slept.
| 16. | But the fact that he would sign such legislation I find nauseating.
| 17. | What next, visits from Nike's nauseated Olympians?
| 18. | The jury was sufficiently nauseated to vote 11-1 for execution.
| 19. | I assumed that Mother Teresa was nauseated by the excess.
| 20. | Even the smell of certain foods cooking makes me nauseated.