| 1. | Full scantling ships have deck gear sufficient to completely unload their cargoes.
| 2. | The set of dimensions of these members is called the ship's scantlings.
| 3. | Filmmaker David Scantling joined the Marines during their 2009 deployment in the Nawa District.
| 4. | Naval architects wishing to comply with class rules would also use the scantling length.
| 5. | Not only were scantlings relaxed, but the restrictions on tank size were just about eliminated.
| 6. | Children's questions are gifts from God, little cerebral raindrops nourishing the scantling of our mortality.
| 7. | Often, hatch areas are reinforced by locally increasing the scantlings or by adding structural members called stiffeners.
| 8. | The large buildings were unroofed, dismantled into wall and ceiling panels and the floors separated into scantlings.
| 9. | Strut is a common name in timber framing for a support or brace of scantlings lighter than a post.
| 10. | The larger scantling would prevent the frequent dismastings that had been previously observed in the British Big Class seasons.