The themes were becoming " a bit samey, " and he fell prey to existential thoughts.
Bryn McAuley who will be voicing the twins, Amy and Samey, was the first confirmed voice actress.
That works well on the likes of Nails and Sun-Less, but some tracks do sound a bit samey.
The sweetness might not be to everyone's taste though, particularly as on initial listens some tracks can appear somewhat samey ."
That's a lot of samey acoustic guitar to wade through, and the fact that it's all pretty doesn't justify the length.
On June 16, Cartoon Network posted the Pahkitew Island website, along with the audition tapes for Sugar, Samey, Amy, Leonard, and Max.
In a sea of games presenting samey turn-based battles, the game s 80s soundtrack, witty banter and innovative courtroom combat successfully stand out from the pack.
Amy is the mean twin, while Samey ( who prefers to be " Sammy " ) is the nice twin who has to deal with Amy's abuse towards her.
I do think the sources are a bit samey, but if something's verifiable then it's verifiable, no need for variation just for the sake of it.
Chris Greening at VGMO said that the music fulfilled its purpose within the game, but that it was otherwise poor and " samey ", with a few catchy compositions as exceptions.