| 1. | That's when the Chargers resorted to a little deception.
| 2. | Suddenly, a batch of columns has resorted to the ruse.
| 3. | The evangelicals repeatedly resorted to scriptural texts in shouts of advice.
| 4. | To solve the problem, thrift regulators resorted to creative accounting.
| 5. | The company resorted to the rebate scam anyway, sources said.
| 6. | In a few instances, the women even resorted to infanticide.
| 7. | For their part, workers also resorted to violence at times.
| 8. | They have all but resorted to approaching panhandlers on the street.
| 9. | Sometimes the victims themselves have resorted to the language of death.
| 10. | She has sometimes resorted to the dramatic to grab their attention.