| 1. | The issue can not be resoled unless there is consensus.
| 2. | A grocery store, a place to get to get your boots resoled.
| 3. | Vibram also produces soles used exclusively for footwear resoling.
| 4. | "My current shoes have been resoled twice, " he said ..
| 5. | "Instead of buying new shoes, I'll have my old ones resoled ."
| 6. | I have been the proactive editor in that discussion trying to resole the issue on the talk page.
| 7. | So different that masks are created to resolve an edge with another mask to resole the other edge.
| 8. | The first piece of evidence produced was a grubby, olive green flat that had been resoled three times.
| 9. | He would regularly cut up old car tires and use the material to resole the children's shoes.
| 10. | His first ( " Resoled in Saratoga, riveting in a wide wale suit, I use law, Ed.