| 1. | Kowroski made the simple raising of an arm a sign of regality.
| 2. | But in essence there is unity between fertility, regality and purification.
| 3. | In 1601, Fraserburgh became a burgh of regality.
| 4. | Newmilns was upgraded to a Burgh of Regality in 1707
| 5. | His lands were then erected into a barony and regality of New Riddell.
| 6. | Wendy Whelan, partnered by Philip Neal, brought regality to the Sanguinic variation.
| 7. | Evelix Farmhouse regality Court-House and gallows tree in the parish of Dornoch.
| 8. | All burghs of barony and regality that had not adopted a police system were abolished.
| 9. | Regalities and regality jurisdictions were abolished by the Heritable Jurisdictions ( Scotland ) Act 1746.
| 10. | After the war the Norwegian royal house succeeded in maintaining a balance between regality and approachability.