| 1. | No recutting, or use of alternate sails is permitted.
| 2. | "Recutting ` Basic Instinct'was such an agonizing process,"
| 3. | Polanski restored the film from the original print, remixing and slightly recutting it.
| 4. | Other aspects are affected in recutting for value as well, such as the clarity.
| 5. | In the 18th century there was a trend for recutting Indian diamonds to suit English tastes.
| 6. | "There's nothing rational about the ( complaint and recutting ) process,"
| 7. | Mendes spent more time recutting the first 10 minutes than the rest of the film taken together.
| 8. | After re-recutting ( under water, of course ) and arranging, she keeps the vase filled.
| 9. | Terry J . would be cutting by day, and Terry G . would undo it and be recutting by night.
| 10. | _Before putting tulips in a vase, condition them by recutting the stem straight across ( not at a slant ).