| 1. | Pani patti accent is a bit controversial among the Quran reciters.
| 2. | As such, many modern reciters try to imitate his style.
| 3. | He was known for being one of the more meticulous reciters.
| 4. | In the end of supplication, reciter say : Hasten!
| 5. | Reciters play a key role in the daily religious life of Muslims.
| 6. | She was noted as a highly effective reciter of her own verse.
| 7. | This demonstrates great confidence and self respect of the reciter.
| 8. | Does the reciter truly understand what the commitment to Christ really means?
| 9. | He is the only prominent reciter to refuse to record for radio.
| 10. | He was the reciter at the well-known Ahmad?mosque there.