| 1. | Bruegel's subjects became more quotidian and his style observational.
| 2. | For months he seemed indifferent to the quotidian business of governing Russia.
| 3. | In her small book, " The Quotidian Mysteries,"
| 4. | A respite from the quotidian congressional salvos might seem tempting.
| 5. | He himself differentiated between his principled stance and quotidian conduct.
| 6. | Rushdie indeed seems to relish this touch of quotidian real-life hassle.
| 7. | It's a paean to misfortune, a quotidian exercise in negativity.
| 8. | Because of its celebrity owner, the Hollywood quotidian is also higher here.
| 9. | Allen calls himself a picker, a collector of quotidian odds and ends.
| 10. | The Onion, the deadpan satirical newspaper, takes a more quotidian tack.