| 1. | The best fruits for pureeing are those that carry some weight.
| 2. | Q . Does pureeing fruits and vegetables destroy the fiber content?
| 3. | Pureeing them breaks the cell wall exposing them to further damage.
| 4. | While pureeing the first batch of salmon, you can:
| 5. | If desired, remove skins easily after roasting and before pureeing spread.
| 6. | Add about 20 washed and dried basil leaves when pureeing.
| 7. | Most important, be extremely careful when pureeing hot soup.
| 8. | Add the olive oil in a thin stream while pureeing.
| 9. | After pureeing, add one cup of sugar for each cup of fruit.
| 10. | Try pureeing two parts 1 percent cottage cheese with one part butter milk.