| 1. | The regime then revoked his professorship at the University of Madrid.
| 2. | He got one of them, an assistant professorship at Yale.
| 3. | Founders Professorship at the Engineering School will focus on information technology.
| 4. | The professorship honors Joy, a KU professor emeritus of finance.
| 5. | Twenty-four hours later he was offered an associate professorship.
| 6. | Allen to a professorship of " Equine Reproduction ."
| 7. | Smith then resigned from his professorship to take the tutoring position.
| 8. | He was also forced to resign his professorship at Columbia University.
| 9. | He held professorships successively at Bonn ( 1870 to 1906 ).
| 10. | In 1946 he accepted a professorship in philosophy at Cornell University.