In China, Yellow Emperor is regarded as the humanistic primogenitor.
He is also the Primogenitor of the Qazyan family.
Prince Vijaya has been discussed as a legendary primogenitor of the Sinhala people of Sri Lanka.
Mori also paid respects to his ancestor, the primogenitor of the Mori clan, Mori Katsunobu.
Two years later he published another paper in which he put forward the theory that Odo was the primogenitor.
He was a very important person in initial Silla because he appeared in stories of primogenitors of all royal families.
In the Orlu section of Isu that claim autochthony for instance, a primogenitor was recollected of the name Igbo Ngidi, who was spiritually and scientifically advanced.
Earlier DNA sequencing studies had been done to test whether or not the Przewalski horse is the primogenitor of domestic horses, but it was found that they are not.
Richard Langrishe ( 1900 ) rejected an older theory that Raymond FitzGerald ( died 1185 / 1198 ) was the primogenitor of the Irish family of Le Gras ( Grace ).
Rock climbing evolved gradually from an alpine necessity to an athletic sport in its own right, making it imprudent to cite a primogenitor of the latter in each of these three locales.