| 1. | The dialogue in the dance rehearsal sequences has strained arty pretentiousness.
| 2. | But they do not know the half of his non-pretentiousness.
| 3. | Ms . Taymor said, her voice suddenly filling with mock pretentiousness.
| 4. | There is nothing of the movie industry's pretentiousness about him.
| 5. | Or was this just another example of haute French pretentiousness?
| 6. | The latter still has the presentation of an advertisement and suggests pretentiousness.
| 7. | This French-language film is without pretentiousness or art-movie decoration.
| 8. | That authority is tempered by a lack of pretentiousness that outsiders find striking.
| 9. | BC-NYTBOOK-AMIS-2NDTAKE-NYTSF UNDATED : pretentiousness .)
| 10. | You suffer the effects of pretentiousness without the advantages.