The ambition and curiosity of Leonardo and Michelangelo retreated to the stylistic preciosity of Parmagianino and Pontormo.
The preciosity in Jacques Callot's minute engravings seem to belie a much larger scale of action.
His dramatic works, though effective on the stage, are disfigured by extravagant incidents and preciosity of diction.
Loukos said this juxtaposition " subverts any possible sense of preciosity that could have resulted from using nothing but Monteverdi ."
In the orchestra work, elegance without preciosity and transparence without thinness comprise some of the miracles he works night in and night out.
On the other hand, it's childhood that rivets Charles LeDray, whose infantile preciosities give the word " obsession " a new dimension.
It is strange that Dupin should have called him " minus nitidus ac politus ", for both in the words he employs and in their order he almost incurs the blame of preciosity.
In principle, a lack of preciosity in Mozart is admirable, but Gilels's playing is something else : he plays to the letter, not in the spirit of the music ( buoyant, wry and courtly ).
According to Giuseppe Tucci, by the time of the Qing Dynasty, " a new Tibetan art was then developed, which in a certain sense was a provincial echo of the Chinese 18th century's smooth ornate preciosity ."