| 1. | Detractors snicker and think his style is pompously affected . ..
| 2. | There are many other such pompously meaningless sentences in this book.
| 3. | Well, that's putting it pompously but constructing.
| 4. | This helped Mark Metcalf, who played pompously rigid ROTC commander Doug Neidermeyer.
| 5. | He thought he was one prince speaking to another, rather pompously, too.
| 6. | In addition, you pompously accuse me of insults where I have stated none.
| 7. | In 1802 Gu�rin produced " First Empire, being highly melodramatic and pompously dignified.
| 8. | In 1929, he congratulated Joseph Stalin whose jubilee was pompously celebrated throughout the Soviet Union.
| 9. | They say he is managing clumsily, behaving pompously, and makes valuable supporters feel like outsiders.
| 10. | Still, nations frequently and pompously claim that the Prince of Peace is their champion in war.