The ounce " poids de marc " had therefore a metric equivalent of 30.59 g.
The ITS-90 is published by the Comit?Consultatif de Thermom�trie and the Comit?International des Poids et Mesures.
UTC represents the mean solar time at the meridian, which is kept by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures in France.
Finis les efforts des souffleurs pour tenir constamment remplis les vastes r�servoirs d air charg�s de poids de cinq cents kilos et plus.
The duo released their full-length debut album, " Le poids des confettis ", on Grosse Bo�te in early 2013.
The " poids de marc " was used as a national French standard for trading, for gold, silver and jewels, and for weighing medicine.
In 1905 the Comit?International des Poids et Mesures ( CIPM ) assigned it the symbol " M ", wishing to use only single-letter symbols.
Le ge�lier faisait payer au poids de l or aux mauvais sujets de bonne maison, aux d�biteurs fripons et aux com�diens, les complaisances qu il avait pour eux.
It was adopted by the CGPM ( Conf�rence g�n�rale des poids et mesures ) in 1960, officially replacing the previous name, " cycles per second " ( cps ).